Amica Insurance: Find My Seattle

Web & App Development | Integrated campaign | Lead Generation

Rhode-Island based Amica Insurance struggled with low brand awareness in Seattle and wanted a campaign to drive leads for their home and rental insurance products.

FMS Website.png

Get the thousands of affluent millennials moving to Seattle to consider Amica Insurance by offering them a helping hand when they are most likely to be in the market for new insurance - during their search for a new home.

Find My Seattle - a one-of-a-kind digital property and integrated campaign designed to help newcomers find their place in a new city…and find the right insurance company too. We developed a web app to match people with neighborhoods around the city, including a custom quiz and interactive map built using more than 20 API data sources that let users explore neighborhoods by price and interests. The campaign lived up to Amica’s brand promise “Helpfulness Insured” and provided leads to remarket to thousands of potential new customers.


  • 210,000 site visits within the first 3 months

  • 3:00 average time on the site.

  • 50% quiz completion rate from social ads